Resetare calculator / computer din bordul masini auto VW Craft 2.5td 2007 , atunci cand apare eroarea de service (oil service sau inspection reset ) :
Pe bordul masini ( stai pe scaunul soferlui ) in partea stanga cum te uiti la bord sunt 2 butoane un buton M si sub acesta un buton 0 .
Puneti contactul masini ( fara a porni motorul) .
Asteptati pana pe display apare km .
Pe urma apasati butonul 0 pana apare un semnal sonor ( poate dura si 30 de secunde ).
De indata ce ati auzit semnalul sonor apsati repede butonul M pana cand pe display apar diferite erori dumneavoastra trebuie sa selectati “reset 51” , in caz ca treceti de aceasta eroare apsati butonul M pana ajunge din nou la acest mesaj pe display “reset 51” .
Cand apare pe display “reset 51” nu mai apsati butonul M , apsati butonul 0 si tinetil apasat pana pe display apre numarul 2 .
Dati drumul la butonul 0 si pe urma apsati acelasi buton de 2 ori iar pe display va aparea “reset done” (gata s-a resetat) .
VW Crafter service reset Sitting in the drivers seat looking at the dash on the left hand side you have a M button and below it a 0 button these are the buttons you will need to use.
When i refer to the LCD this is the illuminated part in the middle that shows your mileage,service mileage and trip mileage.
Please read this fully first to get the jist of it as if you perform the actions too slow it wont work and you will have to start over.
1.Put on ignition
2.Wait for service mileage to revert to vehicle mileage
3.When it reverts to the vehicle mileage press and hold the 0 button until you hear a beep (can take up to 30 seconds)
4.As soon as you hear the beep press the M button repeatdly and you will see in the LCD display different reset’s the one you need to select is “reset 51” if you go past it just keep pressing the M button till it comes up again.
5.When the “reset 51” is displayed stop pressing the M button then press and hold the 0 button again until a number 2 is displayed in the LCD.
6.Release the 0 button and then press twice and it will say in the LCD reset done ,if it is not reset you will get a 30% power reduction after 2K miles
Turn the key to position 2in the steering lock and immediately press the KM button twice briefly.
Within 10 seconds, turn the key back to position 0 in the steering lock.
Press and hold down the KM button. Turn the key to position 2 in the steering lock. Hold the KM button down for a further 10 seconds.
The service indicator with current remaining distance/remaining time appears.
After about 10 seconds, an acoustic signal will sound and the service displaywith the new remaining distance/remaining time will appear for about 10 seconds.
Relaese the KM button.
All quoted direct from the handbook! It took me a couple of goes to get it to reset (lack of counting ability maybe!) but I got it reset in the end.
Resetarea perioadei de service si a mesajului SERVICE de pe bord.Mai devreme sau mai tarziu ajungem la perioada de service.Fie ca e vorba de schimbarea uleiului, schimbarea filtrelor sau verificarea motorului, schimbarea placutelor de frana, etc…. masina are grija sa ne reaminteasca.La pornire, pe bord apare afisat SERVICE si se aude un bip -ait.Desigur, putem baga masina in service si se rezolva, dar cei mai tehnici prefera sa o faca singuri, cu vag-com sau manual (nu va ganditi la prostii)
Ok, cum nu toti au vag-com sa vedem ce metode sunt pentru resetarea service. Interesant, sunt metode destul de diferite si trebuie incercat sa vedeti care merge la masina dvs.
– Cu cheia in contact, apasati pe butonul de reset kilometrajul si tineti apasat. Cu el apasat puneti contact motor si asteptati 10-15 sec apoi scoateti cheia si doar apoi eliberati butonul.
Alta metoda
– Cu cheia in contact dar NU pe motor, apasati si tineti apasat butonul de kilometraj. In timp ce tineti apasat, puneti cheia pe contact motor. Cotinuati sa tineti apasat butonul pana se sting luminile de la bord, apoi rotiti si tineti rotit 5 sec butonul de la ceas, in sens orar. Acum mesajul SERVICE trebuie sa se fi sters de pe bord. Dati drumul la ambele butoane, si scoateti cheia.
– Apasati butonul de reset kilometrajul, cu el apasat puneti contact motor, luati mana de pe butonul de reset si rotiti butonul de ceas, de obicei in sens orar, spre dreapta, si tineti-l asa rotit 2-5 sec.
Alta metoda -pentru a reseta “ service insp ”,m-am folosit de sfaturile voastre doar ca la mine a mers urmatoarea varianta. Am tinut apasat cu mana dreapta butonul de kilometraj…,cu mana stanga am pus contactul,am asteptat sa se stinga becurile din bord. Mi-a aparut “ service oil ”,am eliberat butonul kilometrajului(mi-a ramas “ service oil ”)dupa care am mai apasat odata(cu mana dreapta!!!,e f important altfel nu aveti indemanare!!!) si mi-a aparut de data asta “service insp”. Am tinut kilometrajul apasat,si cu mana stanga am rotit celalalt buton,care reglezi ceasul,spre partea dreapta,timp de cateva secunde,pana cand am vazut ca mi-a disparut “service insp”,dupa care le-am eliberat pe amandoua in acelasi timp.Am luat contactul,l-am pus iarasi si a mers!
Una din variantele de mai sus trebuie sa mearga, eventual incercati combinatii sau variatii intre ele. La masinile mai noi care au butoane separate minute/ore pentru reglajul, setarea ceasului, incercati identic ca mai sus dar in loc de a roti butonul de ceas, apasati (tineti apasat) unul din cele doua butoane (minute sau ore)
For SERVICE RESET period, there are various methods, so please try to see what is work for you.
– Press kilometers – miles reset button, then turn ignition on, let go of reset button and turn clock adjust button to right (clockwise) and hold for few seconds, then turn ignition off.
– Whith ignition off, push and hold down km/miles reset button then switch ignition on. The message SERVICE NOW still on.- With ignition still on wait about 15 sec until the lights are off but still holding down the right button, turn the clock (left) button clockwise SERVICE NOW will go out.- release the buttons.- turn ignition off…
With ignition off press and hold the right side button (the km / miles reset)Keep the button pressed and turn ignition on. Now pres the left buttons (clock adjusting button) once or rotate left or right or press minutes or hoursWhen you press the correct one of them the message Service Now must dissapear.Release the buttons anr remove the key.
With the key in but not on the ignition, press the odometer reset button and hold it pressed.Turn the ignition on, wait 15 sec (and the dash lights go off) but still pressing km / miles reset button.Turn ignition off (button still pressed) and remove the keyRelease the button